
Atlas quality of education in the Altai Territory

Organization: Altai State Pedagogical Academy

Head of an organization: professor Lazarenko I. R.

Supervisor: Karakozov Sergei Dmitrievich

U.D.C.: 004: 002 S.R.S.T.I.: 20.15; 20.17; 20.19; 20.23


Atlas quality of education in the Altai region, prepared in geographic information system, ArcView GIS 3.2, based on data prepared by the Regional Centre for Information Processing (RTSOI) USE Altai Territory.
Currently, there is an active process of integrating internal information systems college applications, providing interaction Directorate, the Directorate / deans with structural units of the university, as well as with Web-based applications designed for teachers and students of educational Web-site of the university, and a number of related Internet projects is growing. In other words, many of the modern Russian and foreign organizations are now actively building infrastructure that lets you use the Internet not only as a means of communication but also as one of the basic tools of business. Creation of such infrastructure means the introduction of Internet-based applications that allow organizations to provide their employees up to date, and often direct access to corporate information systems and other business applications, as well as the timely processing of information they received.